Tech & Trends12 Oct 2023
16 min read

Game of Codes. Difference Between Angular and React.js: Which is Better and Why?

When it comes to front-end development for your project, the choice of a framework or library can significantly impact the success and efficiency of a project. Two of the most prominent contenders in this arena are Angular and React.js. These JavaScript-based technologies have garnered immense popularity, each with unique strengths and characteristics.


This comprehensive article will explore the nuanced differences between Angular and React.js, highlighting their respective features, advantages, and drawbacks. We aim to provide valuable insights that will empower you to make an informed decision when faced with the pivotal question: which is the best – Angular or React? 


Throughout this exploration, we will delve into the fundamental aspects of these front-end frameworks, including their architecture, data binding mechanisms, ease of use, performance, and ecosystem. Whether you are a beginner in development or a business owner who plans to create your software, this article provides the insights necessary to navigate the React.js or Angular debate effectively.

What is React?

React, a JavaScript library released by Facebook in 2013, operates as an open-source powerhouse. It’s renowned for crafting user interfaces in single-page applications, meticulously constructed from distinct components.


This versatile tool effortlessly manages the view layers of both web and mobile applications, making React a dual-purpose asset. Its adaptability shines when utilized with complementary libraries, enabling the creation of intricate, feature-rich applications.


React predominantly employs one-way data binding, ensuring data flow from parent to child components and maintaining a streamlined structure. Yet, it accommodates two-way data binding through LinkedStateMixin, establishing a general data flow loop pattern for comprehensive data management.


Diverging from the conventional data flow, where every new data input necessitates a full page reload for updates to become visible, React offers a smoother alternative. It eliminates the need for reloads by avoiding creating additional Document Object Models (DOM) structures, typically associated with traditional data flow updates. This efficient approach enhances user experiences by ensuring real-time updates without disrupting the entire page.


Advantages of React


Let’s find out more about the benefits of the React library.

Component-Based Architecture


React revolves around the concept of reusable components. Each UI element can be encapsulated within a component, promoting code reusability, maintainability, and a modular structure.


Virtual DOM (Document Object Model)


React introduces a virtual representation of the DOM. Instead of directly changing the actual DOM, React first updates the virtual DOM and then efficiently updates the real DOM, reducing costly and time-consuming reflows and repaints.


Performance Optimization


Using the virtual DOM and a reconciliation algorithm ensures optimal performance. React calculates the most efficient way to update the DOM, resulting in faster rendering and smoother user experiences.


JSX – JavaScript XML


React’s JSX syntax allows developers to write UI components using a syntax that resembles HTML. It makes the code more readable and easier to maintain.


One-Way Data Binding


React primarily employs one-way data binding, simplifying data flow and enhancing predictability. Data flows unidirectionally from parent to child components, reducing bugs caused by unexpected changes.


Rich Ecosystem


React has a vast ecosystem of libraries and tools, such as React Router for routing, Redux for state management, and Material-UI for pre-built UI components. This ecosystem facilitates rapid development and integration of various functionalities.


Strong Community and Support


React enjoys a large and active community of developers. It means there are abundant resources, tutorials, and third-party packages available to assist developers in their projects.


Cross-Platform Development


React can be used to develop web applications and mobile applications for both iOS and Android through React Native. It enables code reuse and accelerates development for multiple platforms. Thus, you can build any cross-platform app, whether a dating app or a car parking app, for two mobile platforms, which can be cheaper. By the way, you can find out how to make a dating app in detail. 




React takes accessibility seriously and provides tools and guidelines to build web applications that are more inclusive and accessible to users with disabilities.




React has excellent developer tools, including browser extensions like React DevTools, which simplify the debugging and profiling of React applications.


Server-Side Rendering (SSR)


React can be used for server-side rendering, which enhances SEO and initial page load times. Libraries like Next.js make server-side rendering with React even more accessible.

And What About Angular?


Angular stands as a dynamic, TypeScript-driven open-source platform and web application framework meticulously crafted by a dedicated team at Google in 2010. This robust framework empowers the development of single-page applications seamlessly blending TypeScript and HTML. Whether your ambitions lie in mobile or web app creation, Angular emerges as the quintessential technology choice.

Distinguishing itself from conventional frameworks, Angular has a two-way data-binding, a pivotal feature. When you alter a value within an input box, it triggers an automatic update in the associated property value of the component class. It fosters real-time synchronization between the model and the view, elevating the user experience to an impeccable level.


While seasoned developers might be familiar with this aspect, it’s essential to reiterate a crucial point, especially for newcomers who might conflate Angular and AngularJS. These are different concepts. The fundamental contrast lies in their core technologies: Angular uses TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, as its foundation, while AngularJS relies on JavaScript. In practice, Angular can be envisioned as a refined and modernized iteration of AngularJS, bridging the gap between tradition and innovation in web development.


Advantages of Angular


Now, pay attention to the benefits of the Angular framework. 

Full-Featured Framework


Angular is a comprehensive framework that includes many built-in features and tools. It offers routing, form handling, HTTP requests, and more solutions, reducing the need to rely on external libraries.

Two-Way Data Binding


Angular’s two-way data binding simplifies data synchronization between the model and the view, enhancing real-time interactivity in applications.



Angular’s use of TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript, provides better code quality, improved error checking, and enhanced developer tooling.


Strong Enterprise Adoption


Angular is a popular choice in enterprise-level applications thanks to its robust architecture, extensive documentation, and strong corporate support from Google.


Dependency Injection


Angular’s built-in dependency injection system facilitates modularity and maintainability, making managing and testing components easier.


Official CLI


Angular offers an official Command Line Interface (CLI) for creating, building, and deploying projects streamlining development tasks.


Material Design Integration


Angular Material, an official component library, allows for easy integration of Google’s Material Design principles, aiding in creating aesthetically pleasing and consistent UIs.


End-to-end Testing


Angular provides tools like Protractor for end-to-end testing, ensuring application reliability and functionality.


Official Support


Google offers long-term support and continuous development for Angular, assuring its sustainability and compatibility with evolving web standards.

If you're considering React or Angular for your next web development project, we're here to help. Contact Binerals today to discuss how we can enhance your project with the right choice.

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Difference Between React and Angular: A Detailed Breakdown

Before we answer the question “Angular or React – which is the best?”, it is crucial to list all the differences between these two front-end technologies. So, let’s take a look. 

Frequency of Use

When considering Angular vs React, React emerges as the more widely sought-after choice, evident in its prominence based on Google Trends search data. Additionally, according to a Statista survey conducted in 2023, React claims the second position among the most utilized web frameworks globally, only falling behind Node.js.

Angular enjoys favor among developers and users due to its pre-built solutions. Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that both of these front-end development frameworks maintain a significant presence and reputation within the industry.

Type of Library/Framework

Angular is a complete, opinionated, and full-featured framework for building web and mobile applications. It encompasses many tools and features, including routing, forms, HTTP handling, etc.

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It focuses primarily on the view layer of an application and is often used in conjunction with other libraries or frameworks for complete app development.


Angular uses TypeScript, which is a statically typed superset of JavaScript. TypeScript offers strong typing and additional features for better code quality and tooling.

React uses plain JavaScript or JSX (JavaScript XML), a syntax extension for JavaScript. JSX allows developers to write HTML-like code within their JavaScript.

Data Binding

Angular uses two-way data binding, automatically synchronizing data between the model and the view. Changes in the view update the model and vice versa, simplifying data management.

React uses one-way data binding, meaning data flows unidirectionally from parent to child components. It can make data flow more predictable but may require more effort to manage complex interactions.

Learning Curve

Angular has a steeper learning curve due to its comprehensive framework and TypeScript. It requires developers to understand various concepts and dependencies.

React has a relatively shallow learning curve, especially for those familiar with JavaScript and HTML. Its simplicity and focused nature make it easier for developers to get started.


Angular is less flexible regarding architectural choices because it follows a more opinionated structure. It can be advantageous for maintaining consistency but may limit flexibility in some scenarios.

React is highly flexible and allows developers to make architectural decisions based on their project requirements. It can be easily integrated with other libraries and tools.

Document Object Model (DOM)

The Document Object Model is a graphical representation of a user’s current web browser view. Skilled web developers manipulate the DOM to modify what users see, but these modifications can have performance costs. Consequently, both frameworks endeavor to minimize the performance overhead associated with DOM updates by enhancing how the DOM refreshes the view after an alteration.

In all honesty, both frameworks rely on the DOM, but they employ different strategies. 

Angular uses a real DOM, where any change triggers an update to the entire tree structure. Angular addresses this potential drawback by implementing change detection mechanisms to identify and target components that require updates. 

Conversely, React utilizes a virtual DOM, allowing it to alter a single element without necessitating updates to the entire tree structure. This approach contributes to React’s efficiency in managing DOM changes.


Angular promotes component-based architecture and provides tools for creating reusable components. It enforces a more structured approach to building applications.

React is centered around component-based development, and its lightweight nature encourages the creation of reusable UI components.


Angular offers a comprehensive ecosystem with features like Angular CLI, Angular Material, and a robust set of official tools. It provides a one-stop solution for various development tasks.

React has a rich ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools. Developers can choose and integrate the tools that best fit their project’s needs.

Community and Support

Angular has a large and active community, and it is backed by Google. It receives long-term support and regular updates.

React has a massive community and is maintained by Facebook. It also receives continuous updates and improvements.

Mobile Development

Angular offers options for mobile app development, including Angular Mobile Toolkit and integration with frameworks like Ionic. However, mobile apps are more frequently built with React Native (see below). 

React can be used for mobile app development through React Native, a separate library for building native mobile applications.

In summary, Angular is a comprehensive framework with a steeper learning curve, offering a structured approach to building applications. React.js is a more focused library that prioritizes flexibility, making it suitable for various project architectures. The choice between Angular and React.js depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the development team and project.

React or Angular: Which is The Best One?

As mentioned above, everything depends on project specifics in the Angular vs. React.js debate. Nevertheless, why React is better than Angular?

Angular is a full-fledged framework suitable for complex web and mobile app development. It features two-way data binding and leverages TypeScript for strong typing. With robust enterprise support, Angular offers a comprehensive solution, including features like routing, forms, and an official CLI. However, learning it can be complex, and its real DOM approach may impact performance.

While React is often preferred over Angular in specific scenarios due to its flexibility and performance optimizations, that is why at Binerals, we focus on React more. 

React’s lightweight nature and library status allow developers to choose the tools and project structure that best fit their needs, promoting customization and flexibility.

As for React vs Angular performance, React’s virtual DOM and efficient update process lead to faster rendering, making it suitable for applications with frequent updates. React Native extends React’s capabilities to mobile app development, enabling the creation of native iOS and Android apps with shared code.

React’s one-way data binding ensures predictable data flow, which is particularly valuable in complex applications. Finally, it is widely adopted by prominent companies, showcasing its scalability and reliability. It can be used for software of various complexity levels to build an eCommerce website or job search engine like Glassdoor. Besides, you can learn more about how to create a job search engine. 

But, of course, keep in mind that Angular may be more suitable for projects that require a comprehensive framework with strong typing.

React.js vs. Angular: Selecting the Right One for Your Needs

Thus, we must consider when to choose what. 

Choose React JS when:

  • Flexibility matters: If you need the flexibility to pick and choose libraries and tools to tailor your project’s architecture, React’s lightweight and library-like nature is a better fit.
  • Performance is critical: React’s virtual DOM and efficient rendering make it a strong choice for applications with frequent updates and a need for high performance.
  • Cross-platform development: If you plan to develop web and mobile applications with shared code, React, combined with React Native, allows you to do so efficiently.
  • Component reusability is essential: React’s component-based architecture encourages the creation of reusable UI components, making it ideal for projects where component reusability is crucial.
  • Large and active community: React boasts a vast and active developer community, ensuring ample resources, third-party libraries, and support.

Choose Angular when:

  • Comprehensive solution needed: If you prefer an all-in-one solution with a comprehensive set of features, including routing, forms, and built-in tools, Angular provides a more opinionated framework.
  • Strong typing is required: For projects where strong typing and strict code quality are essential, Angular’s use of TypeScript provides these benefits out of the box.
  • Enterprise-level applications: Angular’s robust architecture, extensive documentation, and Google’s long-term support make it well-suited for large-scale and enterprise applications.
  • Opinionated structure desired: If you prefer a structured project architecture with conventions and best practices enforced, Angular’s opinionated approach can be advantageous.
  • End-to-end Solution: When looking for an integrated solution that includes CLI tools for project creation, building, and deployment, Angular’s official CLI simplifies development tasks.

So, answering the question “which is better – React or Angular?”, we can say that we use React predominantly. However, Angular can help solve other tasks, so we cannot ignore it or reduce its value. 

Drawing The Line

In the Angular vs React.js debate, we’ve embarked on a detailed journey to uncover the nuances that set these two front-end development technologies apart. Both Angular and React.js have carved out significant niches in the web development landscape, each with its own strengths and characteristics.

The decision between Angular and React.js ultimately hinges on your project’s specific needs and your development team’s expertise. Angular excels in structured, comprehensive solutions, while React.js empowers developers with flexibility, a vibrant community, and optimal performance.

At Binerals, we use React for many projects we build, and we use this technology predominantly since it allows us to deal with most development challenges, and there are specific advantages of React over Angular. So we prefer using React, and our developers have substantial experience in it to build any software. In addition, there are many advantages to working with Ukrainian dev teams, so you should know why you need to hire Ukrainian developers

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What is React, and what is Angular?

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, often used with other tools and libraries. Conversely, Angular is a complete front-end framework for building web and mobile applications, offering comprehensive features.

What are the key differences between React and Angular?

React is more of a library focused on the view layer, offering flexibility and performance optimization. Angular is a full-fledged framework with an opinionated structure, providing built-in features like routing and forms.

What are the performance differences between React and Angular?

React’s virtual DOM and efficient reconciliation algorithm optimize performance by minimizing actual DOM updates, making it suitable for applications with frequent updates. Angular’s real DOM approach may lead to performance overhead, especially in applications with complex, real-time updates.